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  1. Low & Merry highlight how little attention was paid by the peer reviewers of this publication to the concepts of ‘objectivity’ and ‘neutrality’ which have until now been regularly invoked as a way of legitimating ethnographic research. This may suggest that scholars are slowly recognizing that personal and political engagement in the struggles and demands of the communities they study represent an enrichment of, and not an obstacle to the production of scholarly knowledge
  2. ein beendetes projekt: es wurde versucht,einen grundlegenden Text inhaltlich abzubilden,jedoch die Darstellungsform zu verändern.So wird die Möglichkeit geboten,die mehrdimensionalen Strukturen intersektionaler Studien beschreibbar und erfahrbar zu gestal
  3. 21-09-2004 to by datenkeller and -1 others
  4. we keep linking texts that could help us to understand the contradictions of an ethnography “within” social activism, i.e. produced inside of a direct engagement with revolutionary political movements, rejecting neutrality and the so-called ethnographic distance, toward the development of an anthropology of action.
  5. 29-03-2004 to , by datenkeller and -1 others
  6. verscheiedene rtikel über usb das protokol
  7. Warum geht Wissen verloren - IT Blog
  8. Frauen können nicht einparken, Männer nicht zuhören. Aus solchen Thesen werden Bestseller gemacht. Die Autoren berufen sich auf die Wissenschaft. Zu Unrecht.

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