ibot: gemüse

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  1. Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind ein weltweit vorkommendes Phänomen. Immer mehr Menschen kommen zusammen, um gemeinsam ihre Umgebung zu gestalten und ökologische Nahrungsmittel anzubauen.
  2. Sack gardening is a form container gardening that can be practised in densely populated areas where a garden plot is usually not available for most parts of the local population. Like other forms of urban gardens that can be found worldwide since the existence of cities, i.e. roof, backyard or community gardens, they all complement the nutrition of their owners by providing vegetables, herbs and staples
  3. Deterioration of fruits and vegetables during storage depends largely on temperature. One way to slow down this change and so increase the length of time fruits and vegetables can be stored, is by lowering the temperature to an appropriate level. It must be remembered that if the temperature is too low the produce will be damaged and also that as soon as the produce leaves the cold store, deterioration starts again and often at a faster rate.
  4. Artikel/Howto zum Mulchen
  5. Yeah! Ein Karottenmuseum!
  6. 10 easiest veg to grow
  7. Gartenseite ..
  8. “When I’m in the garden,” she said, “the world is gone.”

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