ibot: urban gardening

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  1. Bees in urban and suburban settings have a richer, healthier diet than bees in farmland settings, say researchers.
  2. Kübel-Platzbedarf einiger Gemüsepflanzen
  3. One March day in 1959, in the sleepy British seaside town of Eastbourne, a nuclear enthusiast decided to feed her dinner guests irradiated peanuts and potatoes that had been preserved with radioactive sodium. While Muriel Howorth's guests were unsure about their repast, the unusual dinner was the start of an unforeseen chain reaction that led to the birth of one of the quirkiest horticultural collectives there has ever been: the Atomic Gardening Society.
  4. Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind ein weltweit vorkommendes Phänomen. Immer mehr Menschen kommen zusammen, um gemeinsam ihre Umgebung zu gestalten und ökologische Nahrungsmittel anzubauen.
  5. Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen im eigenen Garten und angetrieben durch unseren Wunsch, einen tieferen Einblick in die Vorgänge der Kompostierung und Humusbildung zu bekommen, sollen die folgenden Seiten das Thema Kompostierung näher beleuchten, zu eigenen Kompost-Projekten anregen und Anleitungen sammeln.
  6. Sackgarten-Howto
  8. here is an elegant solution in the form of self watering containers. The principle is simple. Rather than having a hole in the bottom of the pot, there is instead a reservoir of water. Potting soil is suspended above the water reservoir by means of a perforated barrier. Circular "wicking chambers" reach down into the reservoir and draw water up to the plant's roots.

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