ibot: pflanzen + permakultur

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  1. Eine weitere Mischkultur-Einführung.. mit Pflanzentabellen
  2. Die Mischkultur ist gleichzeitiger Fruchtwechsel auf einem Beet, so wie es die Natur vormacht. Schaut man sich Pflanzengesellschaften in wirklich naturbelassenen Gebieten an, so wird man niemals nur eine Pflanzenart an einem Ort finden, sondern immer viele verschiedenen Arten nebeneinander.
  3. Permaculture is a design-based approach to practical sustainability, using systems thinking and approaches that combine regenerative ethics with ecological principles to create ssutaianble environments. Permaculture was developed in teh sub-troics (Australia) and thus there was some debate about how well it could adapt to practiced in Temperate climates. THis film dispenses with any such worries. In this documentary, we take a look at a case study of permaculture in rteh Austrian Alps, which is snowed over for much of the year. DEspite this, by using peramcultrue design and a lifetime's experince, the farm here produces abundant adn diverse yeilds, while attracting interest from people and resturants far and wide.
  4. Seit 1975 hat sich Hundertwasser mit der Humustoilette und mit den Möglichkeiten der biologischen Wasserklärung, vor allem mit der Pflanzenkläranlage beschäftigt. An allen seinen Wohnsitzen hat er Humustoiletten verwendet. Er hat verschiedene Baupläne für die Humustoilette entwickelt und ihre Funktion und Verwendung beschrieben.
  5. Wichtig für die konkrete Planung einer Mischkultur ist also, daß gute Nachbarschaften zwischen den Kulturpflanzen genutzt und schlechte vermieden werden.
  6. No-dig gardening has many different names. There’s sheet composting, layer gardening, sheet mulching, even lasagna gardening. No matter how it’s called, the fundamentals are the same. Rather than tilling the soil and growing our food in the ground, we do it on it. It may sound funny at first, but read to the end of this post and you’ll see why it’s better to do it this way.
  7. A forest garden is a designed system of trees, shrubs and perennial plants, planted to mimic the structure of a natural forest – the most stable and sustainable type of ecosystem in this climate. Organiclea’s forest garden was planted in 2001. It includes apples, pear, plum and hazel trees, gooseberry, blackcurrant and worcesterberry bushes, and a range of smaller plants that are edible or otherwise useful. Honey bees also reside in the forest garden.
  8. The horticultural techniques used by permaculturists rely heavily on plant combinations. A guild is a harmonious assembly of plants (but it could be plants and animals) the essential characteristic being a diverse mixture (polyculture) whose elements all have a purpose. The plants are chosen to be beneficial to each other, and so it is similar to companion planting.

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