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  1. Zwar wird die Okkupation des öffentlichen urbanen Raums momentan noch vorrangig in Gestalt von Gentrifizierung und Privatisierungspolitik betrieben, aber der Journalist und Architekturkritiker sieht in vielen sozialen Techniken und Interessensplattformen
  2. Die Honigbiene zieht es vom Land in die Stadt. Denn auf dem Land herrscht agrarindustrielle Ödnis: Hecken, Kleingehölze, Waldstücke und Bachränder wurden im Zuge der Flurbereinigung systematisch gerodet und es entstanden weite, eintönige Agrarflächen – gut für großräumige Monokulturen, schlecht für Bienen. Denn Monokulturen werden binnen weniger Tage abgeerntet. Schlagartig entstehen grüne Wüsten, in denen die Bienen weder Pollen noch Nektar finden. Hinzu kommt, dass die Bauern weniger Zwischenfrüchte kultivieren und ihre Wiesen oft schon vor der Blüte mähen. In manchen Regionen finden Bienen bereits im Juli nur noch blütenfreie Flächen vor. „Auf dem Land hungern die Bienen“, sagt Manfred Hederer, Präsident der deutschen Berufsimker. „Manche Völker sterben mitten im Sommer.“
  3. “Not A Cornfield is a living sculpture in the form of a field of corn. The corn itself, a powerful icon for millennia over large parts of Central America and beyond, can serve as a potent metaphor for those of us living in this unique megalopolis.
  4. After two years of analysis, West and Bettencourt discovered that all of these urban variables could be described by a few exquisitely simple equations. For example, if they know the population of a metropolitan area in a given country, they can estimate, with approximately 85 percent accuracy, its average income and the dimensions of its sewer system.
  5. Kulturort RehhoffstraßeIn den ehemaligen Gemeinschaftsräumen des Ledigenhauses finden regelmäßig kulturelle Veranstaltungen und Kurse statt.
  6. collaborative network for local cultural production and trans-local dissemination
  7. We showcase the beauty of urban decay, a series of photos of this eroded elegance that photographers have captured brilliantly.
  8. Ballard has said elsewhere that whereas the 20th century was mediated through the car, the 21st century will be mediated through the home, and as far as Super-Cannes goes home means work. "The dream of a leisure society was the great 20th century delusion," says Wilder Penrose. "Work is the new leisure. Talented and ambitious people work harder than they have ever done, and for longer hours. They find their only fulfilment through work. The last thing they want is recreation." There are references to the flats and houses of Eden-Olympia as service stations "where people sleep and ablute". The real home is now the office.
  9. This video explores three studies in "Livable Streets" that measured, for the first time, the effect of traffic on our social interactions and how we perceive our own homes and neighborhoods.
  10. Launched in 2004, the Prison Design Boycott is an initiative led by Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) targeting the ethics of architectural practice. The campaign aims to bring awareness and offer alternatives regarding t

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