Tags: gesellschaft

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  1. Widerstandslos geben wir historisch mühsam errungene soziale Standards preis, behauptet ROBERT PFALLER. Der Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Philosophie der Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien erklärt, wie Rauchverbote, das Binnen-I und Bescheidenheit beim Sex den Neoliberalismus stützen.
  2. 360degrees is a critical examination of the state of our prison system
  3. Unheimlich Krank
  4. magisterarbeit
  5. The Sarai English Readers are published once a year. Each issue is structured around a specific theme and features articles, essays, reviews & criticism, interviews and photographic essays. The Readers are inter-disciplinary and invite and commission writing by practitioners, academics, activists and artists from diverse fields.
  6. Ohne ein Kollektiv im Rücken kann niemand ernsthaft von Revolution reden. In dieser Gesellschaft, in der wir ohnmächtig, vereinzelt und permanent konkurrierend existieren, sind wir ohne einen verbindlichen Bezug zueinander nicht in der Lage, Teil der gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche zu sein, geschweige denn die Angst vor einer »nachrevolutionären« Situation zu überwinden. Wir müssen ausprobieren, experimentieren, nicht resignieren, sondern »die Scheuklappen ablegen«, um im Kontext des weltweiten Aufbegehrens handlungsfähig zu werden. Unser Rückhalt erlaubt es uns auf die Suche zu gehen.
  7. The popular image is of cyborg as supermodel: a streamlined, metallic mannequin, the flexibility of flesh reinforced with the precision of steel and circuitry; a robot of symmetrical form and shimmering mechanism; an ikon of immortality, flickering agelessly through mechanical reproduction. We are these things, yes. And have been in metaphor, well before any rude augmentation was imagined, or attempted. But this model, super- or otherwise, is not the best image of the cyborg. Machines had their eponymous Age, but it was not until becoming Information that they came into their own. And ours. First introduced in a 1960 article notable for its profound reversal of entity and environment, cyborg made its linguistic debut and in so doing, proposed radical new destinies to manifest.
  8. Ballard has said elsewhere that whereas the 20th century was mediated through the car, the 21st century will be mediated through the home, and as far as Super-Cannes goes home means work. "The dream of a leisure society was the great 20th century delusion," says Wilder Penrose. "Work is the new leisure. Talented and ambitious people work harder than they have ever done, and for longer hours. They find their only fulfilment through work. The last thing they want is recreation." There are references to the flats and houses of Eden-Olympia as service stations "where people sleep and ablute". The real home is now the office.
  9. Das Problem ist nicht, dass in diesem Land die unterschiedlichsten Menschen leben. Sondern, dass wir nicht mehr wissen, wie man sich über den Anderen aufregt - und es dann gut sein lässt
  10. Those who observe the practices proliferating on digital networks can however not fail to be struck both by the speed with which they have developed—in particular what have come to be called “social networks”—and by the fact that hyper-consumerist and addictogenic behaviours have developed which frequently turn out to be more violent and mimetic than those springing from the culture industries characteristic of consumerist society.

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