Tags: permakultur + nachhaltigkeit

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  1. Projekt zu Brauchwasser-wiederverwendung, Regenwassersammlung und Komposttoiletten
  2. This is a design for my allotment which I started in 2008 and it is constantly going under review and improvements. As for good permaculture practice a design is never "Finished".
  3. Permaculture is a design-based approach to practical sustainability, using systems thinking and approaches that combine regenerative ethics with ecological principles to create ssutaianble environments. Permaculture was developed in teh sub-troics (Australia) and thus there was some debate about how well it could adapt to practiced in Temperate climates. THis film dispenses with any such worries. In this documentary, we take a look at a case study of permaculture in rteh Austrian Alps, which is snowed over for much of the year. DEspite this, by using peramcultrue design and a lifetime's experince, the farm here produces abundant adn diverse yeilds, while attracting interest from people and resturants far and wide.
  4. Hier möchten wir unsere Arbeit am werdenden Waldgarten dokumentieren. Wir hoffen, unsere Recherchen helfen, andere Vorhaben zu inspirieren und durch Erfahrungen zu unterstützen.
  5. Wir erforschen den Boden sind Planungsvorschläge für die Hand des Lehrers. Es ist eine Zusammenstellung von Untersuchungsmethoden für den Schulunterricht.
  6. Lebensmittel enthalten oft giftige Mineralöle, die aus Recyclingverpackungen stammen. Die Befunde der forschenden Schweizer Wissenschaftler haben Verbraucherschützer aufgeschreckt. Auch das Bundesamt für Risikobewertung ist alarmiert.
  7. Recyclingpapier: Ressourcen, Herstellung, Vorteile, Vorurteile, Siegel
  8. This forum exists for individuals interested in the study and practice of permaculture and for consultants, designers and teachers of this discipline, conceived and stewarded by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren plus thousands more individuals over the years, from around the world offering their knowledge, skills and experience. It will provide a useful resource for those who choose to become involved with the study of permaculture, gardening and farming as a means of achieving self-sufficiency and independence, practicing it actively at home and throughout their communities and bioregions.
  9. This site provides information on our permaculture holding at Tir Penrhos Isaf. We have been working at Penrhos (or Benthros, as it is known locally) since 1986 and been living here since February 1992 when we gained temporary planning permission from the Snowdonia National Park. Over that time we have continued to develop our permaculture design for the holding through the practical application of the ethics and principles of permaculture.

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