olodumare: taz

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  1. haha, lustig/traurig aber wahr: "Nichts ist nach dem Amoklauf von Emsdetten so vorhersehbar wie die "Christiansen"-Sendung vom kommenden Sonntag. Vorschau auf eine gesamtgesellschaftlich hochbrisante Expertendebatte"
    23-11-2006 to , , and -1 others
  2. Der große Mann der Friedensbewegung spricht über seinen Krieg. Wie er getötet hat. Und warum Verteidigungsminister Jung die Remilitarisierung Deutschlands betreibt und Bush seine Bomben nach Jesus benennt
    26-10-2007 to , , , and -1 others
  3. nich mehr viel zeit um da mal einzufliegen
  4. The Think Tank that has yet to be named initiates conversations, research, performative actions, and educational projects that interrogate contemporary issues in the places where we encounter them. The Think Tank is comprised of several Departments, each led by a single Director. Directors are both autonomous agents and cooperative collaborators. The Think Tank has no members, only directors; it is malleable, open, networked, and participatory. The declaration of a directorship in a Department amounts to a statement of that individual’s bias and agenda. Nothing is more offensive to the Think Tank than the pretense of neutrality.

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