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  1. Documentary about the the people of EMS (Electronic Music Studios) a radical group of avant-garde electronic musicians who utilized technology and experimentation to compose a futuristic electronic sound-scape for the New Britain.
  2. cool shit
  3. derivate work in full effect
  4. download-link via google-video
    28-01-2007 to , and -1 others
  5. http://tinyurl.com/3ydmmj
    28-01-2007 to , and -1 others
  6. Permaculture is a design-based approach to practical sustainability, using systems thinking and approaches that combine regenerative ethics with ecological principles to create ssutaianble environments. Permaculture was developed in teh sub-troics (Australia) and thus there was some debate about how well it could adapt to practiced in Temperate climates. THis film dispenses with any such worries. In this documentary, we take a look at a case study of permaculture in rteh Austrian Alps, which is snowed over for much of the year. DEspite this, by using peramcultrue design and a lifetime's experince, the farm here produces abundant adn diverse yeilds, while attracting interest from people and resturants far and wide.
  7. 08-03-2011 to and -1 others
  8. dritter teil
    05-02-2011 to , , and -1 others
  9. Sehr empfehlenswert. ...Vor einigen Jahren entdeckte man weit draußen im nordpazifischen Ozean eine kreiselnde Strömung mit etwa 100 Millionen Tonnen Plastikmüll. Das Phänomen fand sich auch im Nordatlantik.

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