ibot: rap + video

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  1. All eyes are on Brazil as it endures... errr.... *hosts* the 2014 soccer World Coup - the most watched sporting event on the planet. Join Robert Foster as he investigates why many Brazilians are protesting against THIEFA, the shady organisation that runs
  2. 27-01-2014 to , , , and -1 others
  3. coool
  4. Yo
  5. *WOW* The clip begins with a South African tour for a Lady Gaga lookalike as she then stumbles upon the Die Antwoord crew as well as a number of rather untimely mishaps.
  6. 17-01-2012 to , , and -1 others
  7. RAP NEWS episode 10: The year we've all been waiting for - 2012AD (or, if you ask a Mayan) - is finally here. What will happen? Will we see the poles shift or a paradigm shift? Will a rogue Sumerian planet smash into our solar system, plunging us into serfdom under the iron fist of a race of gold-hungry aliens? Or are the aliens already here? Or are all these merely humanity's collective projections of itself as it careens towards an ever-accelerating super-connected cyber-reality - whatever that means... One thing's sure, if 2011 was a prelude of things to come, 2012 is going to be one hell of a year. Now that it has arrived, are we ready? Join your host Robert Foster and his guests, Terrence Moonseed and General Baxter, as they conduct an in-depth rap analysis into the future, and humanity's place in it. Happy New YERA!
    29-12-2011 to , , , , and -1 others
  8. Sie stammen aus Albanien, Afghanistan oder der Türkei. Sie sind jung, wütend und vorbetraft. Doch sie wollen raus aus dem kriminellen Milieu. Deshalb haben sie eine Rapperband gegründet: die HWG. Die Musik der Hamburger Gruppe Harte Währung, kurz HWG, ist der Rap – ein schneller, rhythmischer Sprechgesang, bei dem sie den Frust über ihren Alltag im Vorstadtgetto in harte Worte fassen. “Gangster-Rapper” nennen sich die Jungs aus der Hochhaussiedlung in Hamburg-Nettelnburg. Sie träumen davon, mit ihrer Musik berühmt zu werden und Geld zu verdienen.
    21-12-2011 to , , , , and -1 others

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