ibot: pflanzen

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  1. Wir erforschen den Boden sind Planungsvorschläge für die Hand des Lehrers. Es ist eine Zusammenstellung von Untersuchungsmethoden für den Schulunterricht.
  2. Hinweise, Pflanzenlisten, Links zum anlegen eines Waldgartens
  3. liste von pflanzen, nach Standorten und Verwendung
  4. Permaculture is a design-based approach to practical sustainability, using systems thinking and approaches that combine regenerative ethics with ecological principles to create ssutaianble environments. Permaculture was developed in teh sub-troics (Australia) and thus there was some debate about how well it could adapt to practiced in Temperate climates. THis film dispenses with any such worries. In this documentary, we take a look at a case study of permaculture in rteh Austrian Alps, which is snowed over for much of the year. DEspite this, by using peramcultrue design and a lifetime's experince, the farm here produces abundant adn diverse yeilds, while attracting interest from people and resturants far and wide.
  5. Metagarten ist ein Kunstprojekt, das zum Ziel hat, der Wildnis, dem chaotischen Wachstum von Pflanzen in der Stadt Raum zu verschaffen.   Unsere Vision ist eine Synthese von moderner Gestaltung von Lebensräumen in der Stadt und auf dem Land, wie die Industrialisierung sie mit sich gebracht hat, mit der Ursprünglichkeit natürlichen Wachstums. Das Kontrollierte, Vermessene, Verplante, Besessene wird mit dem wild Wachsenden, Chaotischen konfrontiert. Es geht um Schichten von Vegetation und Zivilisation; um die historische Entwicklung von Orten, um Überlagerungen, Zerstörungen, Überwucherungen.
  6. Things to do You don't need green fingers to nurture some nature. Just a few hours, some basic materials and a willingness to muck in.
  7. Frigo is a step towards the development of an outdoors fridge, which is aimed at finding an alternative way to refrigerate a container space to store domestic eatable goods, having the sun as the only energy source needed for making it work. The principle used is called Cooling by Evaporation, and along the way we came to understand that the technique we were exploring had already been coined Pot-in-Pot.
  8. There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world yet fewer than 20 species now provide 90% of our food. However, there are hundreds of less well known edible plants from all around the world which are both delicious and nutritious.
  9. Olla irrigation solves problems for gardeners who cannot irrigate frequently, and is a boon for plants that should not be irrigated frequently. Ollas allow gardeners who travel as well as gardeners whose irrigation frequency is limited by water conservation ordinance to irrigate infrequently while still maintaining the health and beauty of their garden plants.
  10. An ollas (pronounced oh-yah) is a handmade terracotta clay pot used as an ancient method of drip irrigation for container gardening or ground applications. Ancient agrarian cultures living in or near desert regions have used olla irrigation methods for millennia.

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