ibot: garten + permakultur

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  1. Lebensmittel enthalten oft giftige Mineralöle, die aus Recyclingverpackungen stammen. Die Befunde der forschenden Schweizer Wissenschaftler haben Verbraucherschützer aufgeschreckt. Auch das Bundesamt für Risikobewertung ist alarmiert.
  2. Raised Garden Bed
    11-04-2011 to , , and -1 others
  3. 11-04-2011 to , , and -1 others
  4. 11-04-2011 to , , and -1 others
  5. Permakultur-Bilder
  6. A forest garden is a designed system of trees, shrubs and perennial plants, planted to mimic the structure of a natural forest – the most stable and sustainable type of ecosystem in this climate. Organiclea’s forest garden was planted in 2001. It includes apples, pear, plum and hazel trees, gooseberry, blackcurrant and worcesterberry bushes, and a range of smaller plants that are edible or otherwise useful. Honey bees also reside in the forest garden.
  7. This is a design for my allotment which I started in 2008 and it is constantly going under review and improvements. As for good permaculture practice a design is never "Finished".
  8. Wichtig für die konkrete Planung einer Mischkultur ist also, daß gute Nachbarschaften zwischen den Kulturpflanzen genutzt und schlechte vermieden werden.
  9. The horticultural techniques used by permaculturists rely heavily on plant combinations. A guild is a harmonious assembly of plants (but it could be plants and animals) the essential characteristic being a diverse mixture (polyculture) whose elements all have a purpose. The plants are chosen to be beneficial to each other, and so it is similar to companion planting.

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