Tags: bittorrent + privacy

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  1. Ein Blick zu Projekten in Skandinavien: “Piratbyran” (Bureau of Piracy) und “Piratgruppen” fördern die informationelle Piraterie und fokussieren sich auf Fragestellungen zu geistigen Monopolrechten und File Sharing.
  2. it is possible to retrieve the IP address for more than 70% of BitTorrent users on top of Tor [LMC_POST10]. Moreover, once the IP address of a peer is retrieved, it is possible to link to the IP address other applications used by this peer on top of Tor.
  3. BitBlinder aims to preserve your privacy and keep your IP address safe from them. It also allows you to avoid most restrictions and filters on you Internet access. BitBlinder supports both BitTorrent and normal web traffic, with more applications coming soon.
    14-06-2009 to , , , by totpunk and -1 others
  4. The Pirate Party is working towards three goals: shared culture, free knowledge, and protected privacy.
  5. Interessanter Dokumentarfilm über Piratenbüro und Piratebay (38 Min) und die internationalen Hintergründe der kurzfristigen Beschlagnahmung ihrer Server und den Wachstum des p2p Aktivismus.

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