Tags: activism

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  1. Kasperle Gib 8 Mobilisierungsfilm gegen den G 8 in Heiligendamm
    05-05-2007 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  2. RAP NEWS episode 10: The year we've all been waiting for - 2012AD (or, if you ask a Mayan) - is finally here. What will happen? Will we see the poles shift or a paradigm shift? Will a rogue Sumerian planet smash into our solar system, plunging us into serfdom under the iron fist of a race of gold-hungry aliens? Or are the aliens already here? Or are all these merely humanity's collective projections of itself as it careens towards an ever-accelerating super-connected cyber-reality - whatever that means... One thing's sure, if 2011 was a prelude of things to come, 2012 is going to be one hell of a year. Now that it has arrived, are we ready? Join your host Robert Foster and his guests, Terrence Moonseed and General Baxter, as they conduct an in-depth rap analysis into the future, and humanity's place in it. Happy New YERA!
    29-12-2011 to , , , , by ibot and -1 others
  3. 17-04-2007 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  4. Jeder fünfte Spanier ist derzeit arbeitslos. In einem andalusischen Dorf dagegen herrscht nahezu Vollbeschäftigung. Der Bürgermeister verspricht einen anderen Weg aus der Krise - ohne Kapitalismus.
    18-09-2012 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  5. 16-06-2011 to , by totpunk and -1 others
  6. Viel zu lesen,ob der Winter reicht?
  7. 12-08-2013 to , by totpunk and -1 others
  8. Wir sind ein Zusammenschluß von Menschen, die sich zusammengefunden haben um kollektiv in den Bereichen solidarisches Leben, nachhaltige Entwicklung, angepasste Technologie zu arbeiten. Wir verstehen uns dabei nicht als ein rein wissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut, welches versucht Wissen zu generieren sondern Ziel ist es dieses Wissen anzuwenden und weiterzugeben.
  9. The classic urban tactics of confrontation -like throwing marbles, stones, and molotov cocktails against the police- seem and are secondary in face of our tactics. Cockroaches do not attack, they do not make much noise, nor do not destroy something. But, we cockroaches are far more persistent and productive than other animals that are slowly disappearing.
  10. 01-12-2006 to , , by ibot and -1 others

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