olodumare: web

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  1. OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles and markers loaded from any source. MetaCarta developed the initial version of OpenLayers and gave it to the public to further the use of geographic information of all
  2. lustig, ein fahrradroutenplaner für amsterdam und umgebung
    30-09-2007 to , , , and -1 others
  3. internationales slum bewohener portal
    28-05-2008 to , , , and -1 others
  4. In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.
  5. barrierefreiheit und html alternativer text
  6. spamming mit dubiosen Aktientipps hat Einfluss auf die Kurse. Das beweist eine amerikanisch-britische Studie. Wer sie gelesen hat, wundert sich nicht mehr darüber, dass es noch immer so viele Spam-Mails gibt. ... tja, wer da zugreift ist selber schuld...
    22-09-2006 to , , , and -1 others
  7. MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to quickly develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services.
  8. HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It encrypts your communications with a number of major websites.

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