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  1. Once, a city was divided in two parts. One part became the Good Half, the other part the Bad Half. The inhabitants of the Bad Half began to flock to the good part of the divided city, rapidly swelling into an urban exodus. If this situation had been allowed to con- tinue forever, the population of the Good Half would have doubled, while the Bad Half would have turned into a ghost town. Af ter all attempts to interrupt this undesir- able migration had failed, the authorities of the bad part made desperate and savage use of architecture: they built a wall around the good part of the city, making it completely inaccessible to their subjects. The Wall was a masterpiece.
  2. ...the following interview took place after the publication of Davis's most recent book, Planet of Slums.
  3. We start where we are but we fight to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. We fight to make those who are blind to poverty to be able to see the poverty that we see. We work to show those who are blind to the poor the strength of the poor.
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  5. Ballard has said elsewhere that whereas the 20th century was mediated through the car, the 21st century will be mediated through the home, and as far as Super-Cannes goes home means work. "The dream of a leisure society was the great 20th century delusion," says Wilder Penrose. "Work is the new leisure. Talented and ambitious people work harder than they have ever done, and for longer hours. They find their only fulfilment through work. The last thing they want is recreation." There are references to the flats and houses of Eden-Olympia as service stations "where people sleep and ablute". The real home is now the office.
  6. Launched in 2004, the Prison Design Boycott is an initiative led by Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) targeting the ethics of architectural practice. The campaign aims to bring awareness and offer alternatives regarding t
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  8. collaborative network for local cultural production and trans-local dissemination
  9. We showcase the beauty of urban decay, a series of photos of this eroded elegance that photographers have captured brilliantly.
  10. Our intention to focus on the city first and foremost stems from our own organizing experience, and a recognition that the city is very often the terrain on which we fight, and which we should be fighting for.

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