olodumare: privacy

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  1. I'm surprised no one has come up with a Creative Commons-like standard setup for privacy policies (pick and choose a few attributes, have nice images, and make it all clear in a single link).
    22-02-2009 to , , , and -1 others
  2. An eepSite is a website that is hosted anonymously
  3. Individuals in the Information Society want to protect their autonomy and retain control over personal information, irrespective of their activities. Information technologies hardly consider those requirements, thereby putting the privacy of the citizen at risk. Today, the increasingly collaborative character of the Internet enables anyone to compose service and contribute and distribute information. Individuals will contribute throughout their life leaving a life long trail of personal data. This raises substantial new privacy challenges: A first technical challenge is how to protect privacy in emerging Internet applications such as collaborative scenarios and virtual communities. A second challenge is how to maintain life-long privacy.
  4. The Pirate Party is working towards three goals: shared culture, free knowledge, and protected privacy.
  5. Interessanter Dokumentarfilm über Piratenbüro und Piratebay (38 Min) und die internationalen Hintergründe der kurzfristigen Beschlagnahmung ihrer Server und den Wachstum des p2p Aktivismus.
  6. Ein Blick zu Projekten in Skandinavien: “Piratbyran” (Bureau of Piracy) und “Piratgruppen” fördern die informationelle Piraterie und fokussieren sich auf Fragestellungen zu geistigen Monopolrechten und File Sharing.

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