olodumare: cyborg

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  1. The origin of cyborg is intricately tied to the origins of the space program. When Clynes and Kline proposed the term to describe cybernetically enhanced organisms (they meant humans), no person had ever been sent into orbit.
  2. September 2010 was the 50th Anniversary of the coining of the term 'cyborg'. Over the course of the month, this site was updated 50 times with links to material — most of it new — celebrating 50 years of one of the 20th Century's more enduring concepts. Now it's gone dark.
  3. The popular image is of cyborg as supermodel: a streamlined, metallic mannequin, the flexibility of flesh reinforced with the precision of steel and circuitry; a robot of symmetrical form and shimmering mechanism; an ikon of immortality, flickering agelessly through mechanical reproduction. We are these things, yes. And have been in metaphor, well before any rude augmentation was imagined, or attempted. But this model, super- or otherwise, is not the best image of the cyborg. Machines had their eponymous Age, but it was not until becoming Information that they came into their own. And ours. First introduced in a 1960 article notable for its profound reversal of entity and environment, cyborg made its linguistic debut and in so doing, proposed radical new destinies to manifest.
  4. detalierte erklärungen zu den einzelnen cyborg ersatzteilen
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  6. was man heute schon an mechanischen ersatzteilen in den menschein einbauen kann

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