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  1. Altöl-Werkstatt-Ofen / waste oil stove / drip feed heater
  2. In Greece a number of factors stand out, suggesting that Greece is on the verge of some major changes. The disruption of basic operations of the state in conjunction with the wide spread certainty that the Greek debt cannot be controlled (constant rumours for default in the coming period) compose the picture of political instability and crisis which seems to be the precursor of a more generalized political crisis to be spread in the rest of the south European regimes first and possibly to the heart of the Eurozone given the accelerated tensions of the financial crisis and the disagreements among current leaderships in Eurozone.
  3. Minhocão, 24 horas
  4. Dank weltweit ausgerichteten libertären Medienplattformen wie Anarkismo (www.anarkismo.net) war es möglich, in dieser Broschüre Texte aus verschiedenen Kontinenten zu veröffentlichen. Wir finden es spannend, wie sich je nach Land die Sichtweise auf die besprochenen Ereignisse verschiebt und andere Erkenntnisse aus ihnen gezogen werden
  5. An open-source, city-scale wireless mesh networking system with access control and monitoring
  6. über informatik und technik kritik
  7. from the streets of london
  8. heftigster drum and bass terror :D

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