Tags: urban gardening + pflanzen

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  1. Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind ein weltweit vorkommendes Phänomen. Immer mehr Menschen kommen zusammen, um gemeinsam ihre Umgebung zu gestalten und ökologische Nahrungsmittel anzubauen.
  2. Sack gardening is a form container gardening that can be practised in densely populated areas where a garden plot is usually not available for most parts of the local population. Like other forms of urban gardens that can be found worldwide since the existence of cities, i.e. roof, backyard or community gardens, they all complement the nutrition of their owners by providing vegetables, herbs and staples
  3. Olla irrigation solves problems for gardeners who cannot irrigate frequently, and is a boon for plants that should not be irrigated frequently. Ollas allow gardeners who travel as well as gardeners whose irrigation frequency is limited by water conservation ordinance to irrigate infrequently while still maintaining the health and beauty of their garden plants.
  4. An ollas (pronounced oh-yah) is a handmade terracotta clay pot used as an ancient method of drip irrigation for container gardening or ground applications. Ancient agrarian cultures living in or near desert regions have used olla irrigation methods for millennia.
  5. Hier möchten wir unsere Arbeit am werdenden Waldgarten dokumentieren. Wir hoffen, unsere Recherchen helfen, andere Vorhaben zu inspirieren und durch Erfahrungen zu unterstützen.
  6. Lazy gardening refers to the use of simple techniques in agriculture or gardening that nonetheless give good results. Lazy gardening is a commonly used term, but it could be easily called "effortless gardening", "efficient gardening" or "no-fuss gardening". The key is that rather than doing unnecessary work (or planning for work which never gets done, leading to poor results), you get the best results for the effort you put in, through making use of natural processes and wise strategic choices.
  7. Obwohl der Baum als Symbol des Lebens, des Schutzes und der Geborgenheit seit alters her ein fester Bestandteil in unserer Gartenkultur ist, wurden noch nie so viele Bäume gefällt wie in unserer Zeit. Erschreckend und folgenschwer sind die vielen kleinen tagtäglichen Abholzaktionen.
  8. here is an elegant solution in the form of self watering containers. The principle is simple. Rather than having a hole in the bottom of the pot, there is instead a reservoir of water. Potting soil is suspended above the water reservoir by means of a perforated barrier. Circular "wicking chambers" reach down into the reservoir and draw water up to the plant's roots.

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