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  1. Frigo is a step towards the development of an outdoors fridge, which is aimed at finding an alternative way to refrigerate a container space to store domestic eatable goods, having the sun as the only energy source needed for making it work. The principle used is called Cooling by Evaporation, and along the way we came to understand that the technique we were exploring had already been coined Pot-in-Pot.
  2. There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world yet fewer than 20 species now provide 90% of our food. However, there are hundreds of less well known edible plants from all around the world which are both delicious and nutritious.
  3. Olla irrigation solves problems for gardeners who cannot irrigate frequently, and is a boon for plants that should not be irrigated frequently. Ollas allow gardeners who travel as well as gardeners whose irrigation frequency is limited by water conservation ordinance to irrigate infrequently while still maintaining the health and beauty of their garden plants.
  4. An ollas (pronounced oh-yah) is a handmade terracotta clay pot used as an ancient method of drip irrigation for container gardening or ground applications. Ancient agrarian cultures living in or near desert regions have used olla irrigation methods for millennia.
  5. “Not A Cornfield is a living sculpture in the form of a field of corn. The corn itself, a powerful icon for millennia over large parts of Central America and beyond, can serve as a potent metaphor for those of us living in this unique megalopolis.
  6. Unter EM-Technologie versteht man die Nutzbarmachung Effektiver Mikroorganismen. Effektive Mikroorganismen (EM) sind eine spezielle Mischung von Mikroben, die regenerative Prozesse unterstützen und fäulnisbildende Prozesse unterdrücken. Zu den wichtigsten Mikroorganismen in der EM- Technologie gehören Milchsäurebakterien, Hefen, Photosynthesebakterien und fermentaktive Pilze. Die bisher wissenschaftlich nicht anerkannte Methode wurde 1982 vom japanischen Agrarwissenschaftler und Hochschullehrer Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa auf Okinawa entdeckt und findet seitdem internationale Verwendung. EM dient nicht der Substitution anderer Praktiken. Es ist ein Fördermittel, um die Praktiken der alternativen Landwirtschaft zu optimieren. EM kann die nützlichen Effekte dieser Praktiken steigern, wenn es richtig angewendet wird. Seit dem Aufkommen der EM-Technologie wird diese argwöhnisch beobachtet. Hauptkritikpunkte sind die zu optimistischen Werbebotschaften sowie die Nichtvereinbarung von EM mit der Lebensmittelhygiene
  7. Gärtnern nach Mondphase
  8. On this website Uppsala University presents research relating to the work of one of the most famous professors throughout its history, namely Carl Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) (1707 - 1778
    04-11-2010 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  9. 160336 gescannte Seiten aus 498 Büchern.
  10. here is an elegant solution in the form of self watering containers. The principle is simple. Rather than having a hole in the bottom of the pot, there is instead a reservoir of water. Potting soil is suspended above the water reservoir by means of a perforated barrier. Circular "wicking chambers" reach down into the reservoir and draw water up to the plant's roots.

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