Tags: jobbers

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  1. Web professionals are often expected to be “always on”—always working, absorbing information, and honing new skills. Unless our work and personal lives are carefully balanced, however, the physical and mental effects of an "always on" life can be debilitating.
    03-06-2009 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  2. CartoWeb is a comprehensive and ready-to-use Web-GIS as well as a convenient framework for building advanced and customized applications.
  3. Chameleon is a distributed, highly configurable, environment for developing Web Mapping applications. It is built on MapServer as the core mapping engine and works with all MapServer supported data formats through a regular MAP file.
  4. Der GULP Stundensatz Kalkulator ermittelt die branchenüblichen Stundensätze, bringt dadurch Klarheit in den Tarifdschungel des Projektmarkts und liefert die Basis für faire Verhandlungen.
    05-11-2008 to , , by tostado and -1 others
  5. Der Tag der Arbeit dient als Anlass, um über einen der grundlegenden Widersprüche unserer Zeit nachzudenken. Im "Maschinenraum" des Informationszeitalters ginge ohne freie und Open-Source-Software gar nichts mehr.
    04-05-2010 to , , by tostado and -1 others
  6. this is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization
  7. Gründungszuschuss - Klartext zur wichtigsten Gründungsförderung

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