Tags: garten + urban gardening + anbau

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  1. Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind ein weltweit vorkommendes Phänomen. Immer mehr Menschen kommen zusammen, um gemeinsam ihre Umgebung zu gestalten und ökologische Nahrungsmittel anzubauen.
  2. Sack gardening is a form container gardening that can be practised in densely populated areas where a garden plot is usually not available for most parts of the local population. Like other forms of urban gardens that can be found worldwide since the existence of cities, i.e. roof, backyard or community gardens, they all complement the nutrition of their owners by providing vegetables, herbs and staples
  3. In this paper, I evaluated the long-term vegetation dynamics of two extensive green roof (EGR) installations in Berlin. The first, installed on two inner-city residential buildings in 1985, consisted of 10 sections ("sub-roofs") with a combined area of 650 square meters.

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