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  1. Nach dem misslungenen Anschlag von Detroit wird eine alte Idee der EU-Kommission aufgewärmt: Die Daten aller Flugpassagiere sollen künftig 13 Jahre lang gespeichert werden.
  2. kritische brasilianische news seite/blog
  3. «Dein grosser Bruder», das 24-seitige Spezialheft zum Thema Google, hat reissenden Absatz gefunden.
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  5. wikipedia und ungewünschte machtstrukturen die freies publizieren verhindern
  6. Authorities say Enrique Portocarrero was the innovative creator of stealthy submarines called semi-submersibles, used by cocaine traffickers to evade detection.
  7. we have obtained these articles for educational purposes by various means and occasions. although they are mostly related with media theory, politics, and social theory, they are not gathered within a specific order here. most of them are chapters from books, some of them are individual articles. most of them are scanned nicely, some are not that great. we present these articles here for sharing with you.
  8. Independent filmmaker Kevin Keyser captured this moment in his documentary on the unlicensed radio movement, Free Radio.
  9. kurzer artikel über das kölner squat az
  10. MTST bsetzung in sumaré (auf portugiesisch)

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