Tags: information-management

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  1. Python script which will generate a LaTeX Beamer presentation out of a YAML file
  2. howto seperate a single subdirectory from a git-repository into a new, own one. git is incredible.
  3. interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs. Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open-source and free.
  4. "Freie mobile verschlüsselte Arbeitsumgebung auf USB-Stick oder externer Festplatte zum sicheren Bearbeiten und Mitführen sensibler Daten, für verschlüsselte Kommunikation und zum anonymen Surfen im Internet"
  5. Details zu Datenschutz, Widerspruchseinreichung etc.
  6. good practice
  7. open-source media player with support for SMIL 2.1. For Linux, MacOSX and Windows.
  8. a long and thorough introduction to puppet
  9. cdcover analyses MP3s and other audio files, generating a picture of the waveform for each track, suitable as "album art" for an ID3 tag, or for combining as a single "CD cover"
  10. A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces.

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