totpunk: d7

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  1. 06-01-2012 to , , , , and -1 others
  2. 05-01-2012 to , , , and -1 others
  3. Integration with the Leaflet JavaScript mapping library.
    02-01-2012 to , , , and -1 others
  4. Arctica takes the next step in facilitating responsive web design in Drupal. It works in the background, providing Drupal with a layout system via the Skinr module and its own CSS management system. But unlike other base themes it doesn’t stop there; The Arctica Configurator (aka theme settings form) provides an entirely new interface that reduces the complexity of responsive design by showing and telling what is happening in the background, when your website is elegantly adapting to and infinite number of screen sizes.
  5. The Konami Code is a cheat code that appeared in many Konami video games. The Konami Code module makes it so that when users enter a given code on your website, it invokes a certain action.
    27-12-2011 to , , , , and -1 others
  6. provides a implementation of the 2-click-solution from for more privacy against Facebook, Twitter and Google+. This module implement the heise-jquery-code using libraries.
    15-12-2011 to , , , and -1 others
  7. Stage File Proxy saves you development time and disk space.When developing Drupal sites locally, you often face a choice between broken images and taking the time to copy a snapshot of the remote files directory, which might be several gigabytes large, depending on the site. Stage File Proxy lets you update the database of your local development instance without having to update your files directory. Stage File Proxy transfers each requested file just in time when it is requested.
    13-12-2011 to , , , , and -1 others
  8. Respond.js is a CSS3 media query polyfill for IE 6-8, delivering lightweight, fast support for min-width and max-width.
  9. Displays system messages in fully themeable colored horizontal bars on top of the page, similar to Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange network notifications.
    06-12-2011 to , , , and -1 others
  10. The Adaptive image module provides device-appropriate versions of images from your fields.You can activate adaptive images by adding an adaptive effect to any of your image styles.

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