reefu: security + software

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  1. Security Configuration Guides
  2. Introduction to the Metasploit Framework
  3. Logfile Viewer for Modsecurity
  4. XSS Prevention Cheat
  5. Eine Menge Information rund um (Anti-) Spyware
  6. Malware search and index
  7. WebGoat is a deliberately insecure J2EE web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons.
  8. Wie kann man seinen XSS Inhalt auf unterschiedlicherweise kodieren
    05-05-2008 to , , , and -1 others
  9. Mac OS X offers a large selection of system-level security, authentication, and cryptographic services that you can use to easily add security to your products.
    21-04-2008 to , , , and -1 others
  10. Recover files using their headers, footers, and data structures (eingebaute Filetypen)

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