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  1. The book collects a number of articles and assays that discuss the - very lively - netculture/hactivism scene in Brazil at that time.
  2. online mag zu allem was als software so kreucht und fleucht
  3. Der härteste Stoff der Welt. Globaler Diamantenhandel von der DR Kongo und Sierra Leone über Indien nach Deutschland
  4. A Spectral Clustering Approach To Finding Communities in Graphs
  5. nett, da hat jemand den stiftung warentest zu solaranlagen online gestellt, allerdings testen die nur anlagen für eigenheime
  6. This INC commissioned research goes beyond contemporary myths to explore how people working in the field experience the pleasures, pressures and challenges of working on the web
  7. On 11 March 1913, Russolo issued his manifesto L'arte dei rumori, dedicated to fellow Futurist composer Francesco Balilla Pratella. Expanded into book form in 1916, it theorized the inclusion of incidental noise into musical composition
  8. interessante zusammenfassung von staatlichen und hacker frequenz jamming aktionen

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