olodumare: hardware

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  1. how to zum bauen eines lavalampen monitors für kritsche system funktionen oder alles für was man ne coole visualisierung benötigt
  2. v*i*d*a lab was offered as an elective for 7th-semester Industrial Design students at Javeriana University in Bogotá, Colombia, between 2005 and 2008.
  3. wie ein rotary encoder funktioniert. praktisch um ein jog-wheel zu bauen
  4. a fun microcontroller board inspired by the awesome Arduino project
  5. midi scratch controller und jog-wheel mit microprozessor bauen
  6. übersicht über den parllax propeller mikro controler. 8 x 32bit prozessoren mit 80mhz
  7. hardware hacking blog
    06-01-2009 to , , , , and -1 others
  8. adruino tutorials
  9. The Uzebox is a retro-minimalist homebrew game console. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general purpose microcontroller made by Atmel.
  10. The Cyberhome CH-MDP 2500B Portable Mini-DVD Player appears to be the perfect portable screen. It's 2.5" screen is crystal clear and ripe for hobby modders.

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