olodumare: amsterdam

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  1. We are not only claiming housing, but a social public space.
  2. 05-05-2007 to , , and -1 others
  3. amsterdam's formative squat and cultural centre
    25-12-2006 to , , and -1 others
  4. der komplette kelder bashment breakkore abend in einem torrent
  5. interview mit tatiana über dyne und freie software, amsterdam und hacklabs
  6. und noch eins mit donna metzlar von genderchangers in amsterdam
  7. Dutch people of the 2 largest anti-squat agencies Camelot property management and Ad Hoc property management are followed to investigate what are the consequences of not having renters rights. Who are using the services of anti-squat agencies? and how do politicians, housing experts, lawyers and others involved judge this rising phenomenon.
  8. This non-tourist urban cycle route is a cross-section through western Amsterdam, in roughly chronological order from 17th-century to 20th-century areas. Approximately 3 hours. Revised January 2008.
    22-02-2008 to , , and -1 others
  9. public transport amsterdam : timetables
  10. Nederlands grootste culturele vrijhaven, het ADM in Amsterdam

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