
Sort by: Date / Title / URL

  1. `kwriteconfig --file kdeglobals --group General --key widgetStyle gtk; kwriteconfig --file kdeglobals --group Icons --key Theme Human`
    04-12-2009 and -1 others
  2. traffic-shaping with wondershaper (system-wide) and trickle (application-specific)
    22-04-2009 to , and -1 others
  3. search for unicode charaters by name, description or number
    25-08-2010 to and -1 others
  4. "In the quest for a completely mouse free desktop, I wanted to be able to yank URLs from the termial without using the mouse."
    05-09-2008 to and -1 others
  5. Mixer settings for voice recording
    05-08-2008 to and -1 others
  6. This page describes how I set things up so that I can make changes live by running just "git push web".
  7. Hint on build your own adapter
    17-12-2010 to , and -1 others
  8. "Mit OpenOffice.org EÜR können Freiberufler und kleine Selbständige eine Einnahmen-Überschuß-Rechnung nach den Vorgaben des Bundesfinanzministeriums erstellen."
  9. 16-03-2010 to and -1 others
  10. VIM features split windows, and this patch makes it possible to start shells in those windows.
    01-10-2008 to , , and -1 others

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