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  1. Dutch people of the 2 largest anti-squat agencies Camelot property management and Ad Hoc property management are followed to investigate what are the consequences of not having renters rights. Who are using the services of anti-squat agencies? and how do politicians, housing experts, lawyers and others involved judge this rising phenomenon.
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  4. Village Bicycle Project came about in response to a critical lack of basic reliable, affordable transport for millions of Africans. VBP partners with Bikes Not Bombs to ship bicycles to Ghana
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  7. This video analyzes the events in San Salvador Atenco during the first days of May, 2006 and denounces the violation of the civilian population’s human rights by state and federal police forces.
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  9. Das historische Stadtarchiv in der Kölner Südstadt brach plötzlich in sich zusammen und riss dabei auch die Nachbargebäude mit sich. Bei dem Einsturz wurdennach Polizeiangaben mehrere Personen leicht verletzt. Zwei Anwohner werden noch vermisst - Stand 16 Uhr.
  10. Altöl-Werkstatt-Ofen / waste oil stove / drip feed heater

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