tostado: webrtc

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  1. is a webrtc demo application hosted on App Engine. Developed by Google and Mozilla, it enables both browsers to "talk" to each other using the WebRTC API.
    29-08-2013 to and -1 others
  2. The WebRTC APIs are designed to allow JS applications to create real-time connections with Audio, Video, and/or Data channels directly between users via their browsers, or to servers supporting the WebRTC protocols. It also leverages navigator.mozGetUserMedia() to get access to mic and camera data (getUserMedia() is being standardized in the Media Capture Task force, along with Recording APIs).
    29-08-2013 to and -1 others
  3. 29-08-2013 to and -1 others
  4. This is an example of using WebRTC: "video conference in a browser".
    29-08-2013 to and -1 others
  5. Following are a few pages to test various aspects of Mozilla's implementation of WebRTC.
    29-08-2013 to and -1 others

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