olodumare: technik

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  1. Those who observe the practices proliferating on digital networks can however not fail to be struck both by the speed with which they have developed—in particular what have come to be called “social networks”—and by the fact that hyper-consumerist and addictogenic behaviours have developed which frequently turn out to be more violent and mimetic than those springing from the culture industries characteristic of consumerist society.
  2. is a cross-institutional, subject-based, open access digital archive for the Information Sciences, including Archives and Records Management, Library and Information Science, Information Systems, Museum Informatics, and other critical information infrastr
    01-11-2008 to , , , , , , and -1 others
  3. ...discussed the question of a queer technology and just what queer theory might contribute to the fields of art and technology
  4. und noch eins mit donna metzlar von genderchangers in amsterdam
  5. Technology is social only insofar as it is used "for" something, leaving the structure of technology "in itself" as a non-social residue. That residue can either be approached technically, for example, by engineers concerned only with the inner workings of a device, or philosophically in terms of the essential nature of technology as such. But once social aspects of technology have been stripped away, what remains are the primary instrumentalizations: technology, in essence, decontextualizes and manipulates its objects. And that, no amount of change at the social level can alter.
  6. das offizielle sicherheitsforschungsprogram der bundesregierung
  7. Riereta és un espai cultural, físic, virtual i multi disciplinar, que es desenvolupa en la recerca, aprenentatge i difusió de les noves tecnologies i on s'hi treballa creant, experimentant, desenvolupant, formant, recercant, promocionant ...
  8. technik kollektiv aus brasil (auf portugiesisch)
  9. A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century
  10. The Duck and the Philosopher: Rhythms of Editing and Thinking between Bernard Stiegler and The Ister

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