olodumare: hardware

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  1. noch mehr hardware hacking
  2. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
  3. ein open source midi mixer
  4. pdf mit vielen schaltungsbeispielen für arduino: motoren, transistoren, piezo sensoren...
  5. liste von open harware gadgets und zeug zum selber löten
  6. how to zum bauen des gcc-avr cross compilers to schreiben von arduino programmen
  7. welches material für welchnen rotary encoder
  8. Citizen Engineer is an online video series about open source hardware, electronics, art and hacking
  9. Compared to traditional multi-million-dollar satellite missions, CubeSat projects have the potential to educate the participants and implement successful and useful missions in science and industry at much lower costs.
  10. datenblatt zum ddm 427, digitaler impuls regler

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