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  1. The musical's title stems from a painting by Marc Chagall,[2] one of many surreal paintings he created of Eastern European Jewish life, often including a fiddler. The Fiddler is a metaphor for survival, through tradition and joyfulness, in a life of unce
    15-12-2008 to , , , and -1 others
  2. They say when you are trying to learn a new language you should fall in love with someone who speaks that language. Digital media is simply a new language and we fell in love through it and in doing so became more articulate and clear with with our media skills which then lead naturally to becoming filmmakers and expressing ourselves to the rest of the world telling our story.
    06-11-2009 to , and -1 others
  3. Bus 174
  4. Obwohl sich die Vertreter der Atomindustrie in Verharmlosung üben, macht der Atommüll den Menschen Angst, denn die Wissenschaftler können bis auf weiteres keine akzeptable Lösung anbieten, und die Politiker sprechen möglichst nicht darüber. Viele Fragen bleiben offen: Wie gefährlich ist der Atommüll? Wie wird damit umgegangen? Welche Lösungen werden angeboten? Der Dokumentarfilm "Albtraum Atommüll" macht sich in Frankreich, Russland, den USA und Deutschland auf die Suche nach der Wahrheit über den Atommüll.
  5. Bei Langeweile...
    12-08-2006 to , and -1 others
  6. "For 20 years, a subculture has emerged under society's radar. Favela On Blast tells the stories of sex, love, poverty and pride for Rio's marginalized people. They have their own language, style and heros. It's a music that's fast, heavy and violent like the city itself. This film is a flash of a few lives of charismatic people that relate to the funk music and a retelling of the subculture itself. Funk superstars like Deize, Tigrona, Mr Catra, Duda Do Borell all make an appearance. And traficantes, funkieros, mothers and fathers, workers and students in Rio all have a part to play in funk culture. Its kinda of like the bass that ate rio mixes with Edward Scissorhands"
  7. Welcome to the world of industrial food production and high-tech farming! To the rhythm of conveyor belts and immense machines, the film looks without commenting into the places where food is produced in Europe: monumental spaces, surreal landscapes and bizarre sounds - a cool, industrial environment which leaves little space for individualism. People, animals, crops and machines play a supporting role in the logistics of this system which provides our society’s standard of living.
  8. 10-12-2013 to , , and -1 others
  9. A red band trailer for RZA’s directorial debut, The Man with the Iron Fists has been released. RZA stars in the film, alongside Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu, and co-wrote it with Eli Roth, who worked previously on Cabin Fever and Hostel. Quentin Tarantino,

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