ibot: git + howto

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  1. git config --global user.name 'John Doe'
    18-02-2009 to , , and -1 others
  2. This book has been built by dozens of people in the Git community, and is meant to help you learn how to use Git as quickly and easily as possible.
    13-11-2008 to , , , and -1 others
  3. Git Immersion is a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.
    25-02-2011 to , , , and -1 others
  4. A cookbook of ways to do various things in git.
    18-02-2009 to , , and -1 others
  5. It often happens that while working on one project, you need to use another project from within it. Perhaps it’s a library that a third party developed or that you’re developing separately and using in multiple parent projects. A common issue arises in these scenarios: you want to be able to treat the two projects as separate yet still be able to use one from within the other.
    27-09-2011 to , , , , and -1 others
  6. Question arises: how to upgrade your Drupal installations * timely, * safely, * with confidence that none of your local customizations are lost; * without need to remember each line that was edited and re-applying those edits to new version; * without need to drastically change your workflow (very little discipline is needed actually); We show that Git solves those problems easily.
    12-02-2009 to , , , , and -1 others

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