Tags: icons

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  1. 13-09-2010 to , by mbo and -1 others
  2. Photoshop blueprint for iPhone icon design
    24-06-2010 to , , , by shampoo and -1 others
  3. 21-06-2010 to , by mbo and -1 others
  4. 21-06-2010 to , by mbo and -1 others
  5. This site simply hosts icons for lots of filetypes that you can use and link to. You can use a file extention like /html, a filename like /movie.avi, a mimetype like /application/pdf and/or choose from a specific set like /neu/html or even combine them like /neu/image/png. You can also use the ?size=16 to get a consistent size of icons, and the ?default=http%3a%2f%2fmetaward.com%2ffavicon.ico to force a default instead of an HTTP 404.
    09-06-2010 to , by totpunk and -1 others
  6. iç-mihrak’ın yakıtı, resmî ve popüler kültür fragmanları (ikonlar, ikonik kişiler, sloganlar, özlü sözler, içli sözler, çağdaş ve geleneksel değerler, inanç evrenleri vs.), ürünü ise sıklıkla mide kramplarının eşlik ettiği ve suçluluk duygusu tonu yüksek, kontrolsüz gülmeyle tanımlı öfori halidir.
  7. 21-12-2009 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  8. 13-07-2009 to , , by ibot and -1 others
  9. 13-05-2008 to , by mbo and -1 others

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