totpunk: javascript

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  1. Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. The tool is javascript-based and runs from the browser.
    17-01-2010 to , , , and -1 others
  2. Repository of utility libraries that can be used with the Google Maps JavaScript API v2.
    16-10-2009 to , , , , and -1 others
  3. 22-02-2008 to , , , , , and -1 others
  4. The Burst Engine is an OpenSource vector animation engine for the HTML5 Canvas Element. Burst provides similar web functionality to Flash and contains a layer based animation system like After Effects. Burst uses a very light-weight JavaScript frame, meaning your animations will download unnoticably quick and can be controlled using very simple JavaScript methods.
  5. Javascript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents
    06-10-2010 to , , and -1 others
  6. Hyphenator.js … automatically hyphenates texts on websites if either the webdeveloper has included the script on the website or you use it as a bookmarklet on any site.
    14-12-2010 to , , and -1 others
  7. 13-06-2011 to , and -1 others
  8. swiss-army knife of embeddable bookmarks. It can slice and dice elements on a page and present you with a freshly cut CSS selection for exactly the elements you wanted. If you’ve ever wasted time trying to pick out elements and digging around using Hpricot, jQuery, or Firebug (or worse), stop that and get this in your toolbar now.

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