ibot: nachhaltigkeit

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  1. PLASTIC PLANET ist ein unterhaltsamer und investigativer Film, der zeigt, dass Plastik zu einer Bedrohung für Mensch und Umwelt geworden ist.
  2. Von den Ideen der sechziger bis zu einem Internet-basierten Schwarm Ansatz zum "Kampf gegen den Klimawandel"
  3. These essays correspond to the six chapters of the film. They foreground the key ideas of each chapter and flesh out additional themes. We offer the essays as commentary on the film, and hope they provide a springboard for further discussion and debate.
  4. Over the last few years hackers have begun to take a larger interest in food, gastronomy and agriculture. For many in the community the ability to create DIY molecular gastronomy hardware and recipes is an obvious entry point. This talk extends some of these early investigations beyond the kitchen and the chemical properties of food by looking at specific cultivars, food technology organizations, and connections between food systems, ecosystems and planetary change.
  5. Frigo is a step towards the development of an outdoors fridge, which is aimed at finding an alternative way to refrigerate a container space to store domestic eatable goods, having the sun as the only energy source needed for making it work. The principle used is called Cooling by Evaporation, and along the way we came to understand that the technique we were exploring had already been coined Pot-in-Pot.
  6. Projekt zu Brauchwasser-wiederverwendung, Regenwassersammlung und Komposttoiletten
  7. KEBAP will den Hochbunker Schomburgstraße 6-8 in Hamburg Altona übernehmen und dort Räume für Kultur schaffen sowie ein Biomasseheizkraftwerk installieren. Die neuartige Mischung Kultur/Energie kommt sowohl den baulichen Gegebenheiten eines Bunkers als auch der Lage im Wohngebiet (Nahversorgung) entgegen. Die Kombination ist aus unserer Sicht besonders spannend, weil so der Bunker und seine neue Nutzung für den Stadtteil geöffnet und in diesem verankert werden.
  8. This is a project to develop and build open source energy monitoring, control and analysis tools for energy efficiency and distributed renewable microgeneration. These technologies are at the heart of sustainable energy systems, monitoring and controlling how energy flows between the various parts of the system. These tasks can be achieved using a low cost, modular, open source microcontroller system known as an Arduino, powerful and flexible enough to form the basis of a wide range of systems. PV installation monitors, solar hot water controllers, household energy monitors etc, can be assembled from a selection of modules linked together with an Arduino and configured using simple to use software libraries.
  9. Was will Oya? Mit Reportagen, Essays, Porträts, Berichten und Interviews leuchtet Oya in alle Winkel unserer Gesellschaft und fördert neue Ansätze zutage: in sozialen Unternehmen, in Gesundheitsprojekten, in Ökodörfern und Lebensgemeinschaften und weiteren vielfältigen Bewegungen für soziale und ökologische Anliegen.
  10. This is a design for my allotment which I started in 2008 and it is constantly going under review and improvements. As for good permaculture practice a design is never "Finished".

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