totpunk: google

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  1. Google und Facebook haben nun offenbar die letzte Scheu verloren: Die Giganten des Internets ändern ihre Datenschutzbestimmungen und bereiten den nächsten großen Schritt vor, um allwissend und unentbehrlich zu werden
    18-02-2012 to , , and -1 others
  2. schenken wir google unsere sozialen daten: The social data hub is a free platform that social networks and other social platforms can use to integrate their activity streams— like +1, votes, and comments—with Google Analytics.
  3. with google speech api
    12-01-2012 to , and -1 others
  4. This week, Google activated a web privacy feature called “forward secrecy”, becoming one of the web’s first major players to put this important component in place. It’s an important step, and other sites should follow suit. In order to understand why enabling forward secrecy is so important, it’s helpful to know how HTTPS works in the first place.
  5. is a community google map mashup mapping street art the world over.
    29-09-2011 to , , , and -1 others
  6. 01-09-2011 to , , , , , and -1 others
  7. Use the Rich Snippets Testing Tool to check that Google can correctly parse your structured data markup and display it in search results.
    03-06-2011 to , , , and -1 others
  8. Einfach mit dem Handy bezahlen – mit der sogenannten NFC-Technik wird das möglich. Google möchte die Technik voranbringen, aber Datenschützer sind misstrauisch.
  9. Mapping a web browser to GPS coordinates via router XSS + Google Location Services without prompting the user
    28-12-2010 to , , , , , and -1 others
  10. warum hat twitter dieses #! gedöns in der url
    03-12-2010 to , , , and -1 others

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