totpunk: drupal + d6

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  1. 05-12-2008 to , , and -1 others
  2. banner links oder rechts oben einblenden
    16-12-2008 to , , and -1 others
  3. CSS Embedded Images replaces image URLs in aggregated CSS files with embedded images using data URI schemes. This can greatly reduce the number of page requests necessary to load a page, especially in graphics-heavy themes, by including image data along with aggregated CSS files. Embedded images are supported by most modern browsers, and the module includes logic to work around browsers that do not have support. It is compatible with core performance features, including page caching, as well as other contributed modules, such as CSS GZip and Boost.
    02-03-2010 to , , and -1 others
  4. This module allow to set the Menu Settings with certain Menus for content editing by Content Type.
    08-09-2009 to , , and -1 others
  5. With this module you are not constrained to just node-*.tpl.php templates, anymore. You can create as many tpl.php templates as you wish and assign them to the URL paths you need.
    17-07-2008 to , , and -1 others
  6. The Custom Formatters module allows users to easily create custom CCK Formatters without the need to write a custom module.
    21-04-2011 to , , , , and -1 others
  7. 29-11-2009 to , , , and -1 others
  8. With Drush System Manager you can get your hands dirty with cck and views export files. I use it to get my views and content types into subversion.
    03-03-2009 to , , and -1 others
  9. Eldorado Superfly is a module that takes control of the "Submitted by..." text, node links, user pictures, and comments. It moves them to $node->content, where they can be re-ordered on CCK's Manage Fields tab. However, this means they are no longer under control of the theme.
    14-11-2009 to , , and -1 others
  10. External Links is a small module used to differentiate between internal and external links. Using jQuery, it will find all external links on a page and add an external icon indicating it will take you offsite or a mail icon for mailto: links.
    08-09-2009 to , , , , and -1 others

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