shampoo: extension

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  1. 23-07-2006 to , , and -1 others
  2. Angeblich besser als SessionSaver
    21-06-2006 to , and -1 others
  3. 08-01-2006 to , and -1 others
  4. 30-04-2006 to , and -1 others
  5. 08-03-2006 to , and -1 others
  6. FF extension to detect and exports microformats
  7. Shows filetypes of link targets with little icons
    03-07-2006 to , and -1 others
  8. A nice overview
    22-03-2006 to , , and -1 others
  9. YouTube Comment Snob is a Firefox extension that filters out undesirable comments from YouTube comment threads based on criteria such as selling and cpitalization.

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