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  1. Staatliche Eisenbahn Türkei
    09-09-2012 to , , , and -1 others
  2. istanbul fährgesellschaft
  3. ein beendetes projekt: es wurde versucht,einen grundlegenden Text inhaltlich abzubilden,jedoch die Darstellungsform zu verändern.So wird die Möglichkeit geboten,die mehrdimensionalen Strukturen intersektionaler Studien beschreibbar und erfahrbar zu gestal
  4. Ich will mit diesen Textauszügen von Genet beginnen, weil er mehr als jeder andere sowohl in seinem Leben als auch in seiner Kunst die verborgenen subversiven Bedeutungen von Stil erforscht hat. Ich werde daher auch immer wieder auf Genets zentrale Themen zurückkommen: Status und Bedeutung von Revolte, die Vorstellung von Stil als Verweigerung und die Erhebung von Verbrechen zur Kunst (obwohl in unserem Fall die «Verbrechen» nur gebrochene Kodes sind).
  5. The languages of street art are constantly changing. Merging with the urban environment, street art has become an indivisible part of the metropolitan visual language. Artists don't lag behind — staying active on the streets, they are mastering new media of contemporary art and industrial design origin…
  6. The modern megapolis is unthinkable without graffiti. Each person, living in the big city and running right along in its environment, daily and everywhere meets numerous graffiti , sprayed on every possible plane and surfaces of the city landscape — results of activity of the street artists, anonymously put in the city area their messages and signs, finished and self-sufficient.
  7. Launched in 2004, the Prison Design Boycott is an initiative led by Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) targeting the ethics of architectural practice. The campaign aims to bring awareness and offer alternatives regarding t
  8. Brown decidiu gravar o clipe da música “Marighella” –sobre o guerrilheiro comunista Carlos Marighella (1911-1969)– num local com todos os ingredientes para se tornar um novo Pinheirinho –só que, dessa vez, no coração da metrópole, numa região sob disputa política por conta do projeto Nova Luz e das recentes operações anticrack.
  9. In the essays collected here, over two dozen writers offer historical analysis of the factors that gave birth to December and the potentialities it has opened up in face of the capitalist crisis. Yet the book also highlights the dilemmas the antagonist mo

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