ibot: opensource

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  1. 'FLOSS is not just good for teeth' is a collaboratively produced introduction to the concepts that underlie free and open source software, written specially for the non-technical reader, at the Sarai Programme (www.sarai.net)
    04-12-2007 to , , , and -1 others
  2. it's now possible to legally make, sell, redistribute, exhibit, archive your own games based on the andmark 80's classic, SimCity, under the terms of the GPL.
    22-02-2008 to , , and -1 others
  3. Flivpee is an open-source Flash video player that I've released under the GPLv3
    16-10-2008 to , , , , and -1 others
  4. 07-08-2006 to , , and -1 others
  5. FLV Flash Fullscreen Video Player (Open Source)
  6. 04-04-2006 to , , and -1 others
  7. Bei Gründung und Betrieb einer solchen Kooperative sind zahlreiche Hürden zu nehmen. Trotzdem steht den GründerInnenn bislang fast keine unterstützende Literatur zu Verfügung. Diese Lücke wollen wir schließen, indem wir eine detaillierte Anleitung

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